Issue 2.1 (1998)

Editorial Board
Submission Guidelines
Book Review Guidelines
Forthcoming Special Issues
Past Issues
Call For Papers

Open Issue

Embodying Tragedy: The Sex of the Actor
Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz

The Truth of Pederasty: A Supplement to Foucault's Genealogy of the Relation
between Truth and Desire in Ancient Greece
Nigel Nicholson

Floating Uteruses and Phallic Gazes: Hippocratic Medicine in the Encyclopédie
Paul Allen Miller

Melville's Theoretcial Territory: Elemental Contingency and Nomadic Lines of Flight
John Samson

Exploring the Text: Adorno, Lacan, and Literature
Wendy J. McCredie

Contemporary Spanish Women Writers and the Feminized Quest-Romance
Janet Pérez