Volume 6.1 (2002)

Editorial Board
Submission Guidelines
Book Review Guidelines
Forthcoming Special Issues
Past Issues
Call For Papers
Special Issue
History Technology and Identity after Foucault

Martin Donougho and Paul Allen Miller


Martin Donougho and Paul Allen Miller

The Prehistory of Sexuality: Foucault's Route to Classical Antiquity
David Konstan

Alterity and the “Care of the Self”: Montaigne’s essay “Of Friendship”
Zahi Zalloua

Self-Construct and Self-Control: The Speaking Subject as a Product of Ritual 
Pierre Zoberman

Can Foucault Save Literary History?
John Neubauer

Aesthetic Political Technologies
John Simons

Smash the Sovereign Paradigm! “The War of the Races” as an Alternative
to the Discourse of Sovereignty
Hasana Sharp

From Discipline to Insecurity in Work: Illegible Technologies of the Self in “The New Economy”
Jerald Wallulis