Introduction: Landscapes of Desire: Conversations on Brokeback Mountain
Laura Beard and David H. J. Larmour
The Day the Gay Cowboy Broke Up with McCabe & Mrs. Miller:
Brokeback Mountain’s
Love Affair with Consumerist Conformity
Brittany R. Powell
and Todd D. Kennedy
Know I Ain’t Queer”: Brokeback Mountain
as the Not-Gay
Cowboy Movie
Kathleen Chamberlain and Victoria
Retrograde Storytelling or Queer Cinematic Triumph? The (Not So)
Groundbreaking Qualities of the Film Brokeback Mountain
Kylo-Patrick R. Hart
Conversing Brokeback Mountain’s
Varied Spaces and Contested Desires
Scott L. Baugh, Donovan Gwinner,
Sara L. Spurgeon,
and O. Alan Weltzien
Doris Sommer. Bilingual Aesthetics: A New Sentimental Education
Blas Hernandas
Jace Weaver, Craig S. Womack, Robert Warrior. American Indian
Literary Nationalism
J. Beard
Golden, Lily. My Long Journey
Peter I. Barta
Gideon Nisbet. Ancient Greece in Film and Popular Culture.
Jason Lawrence Banta